Trump Wins. How Did we Get Here?

Note: this was first published in March of 2017 in Medium as US Politics: How Did we Get Here. So it was written close to the beginning of the Trump era, just a few weeks after his surprise victory in the 2016 presidential election. I didn’t know how bad things would become. This is what I saw then.

How did Donald Trump rise to the most powerful office in the world? It wasn’t just him. It was the times and the trends.

I’ve lived through 13 presidencies. Harold Truman was president when I was born. Eisenhower was president when I started middle school, Kennedy when I started high school. I went to college during Johnson and graduated under Nixon. I was married and had two kids when Nixon resigned. Our third kid was born while Gerald Ford was president. I started business school under Carter, started my own business under Reagan. Our kids grew up to the rhythm of Bush to Clinton to Bush to Obama. And now I’m trying to understand the Donald Trump presidency.

I was sure a Trump election was impossible. Bad behavior used to matter. I saw Senators Gary Hart and John Edwards disqualified as presidential candidates for marital infidelity. I saw Governor Edmund Muskie disqualified for responding too emotionally to an attack on his wife. Governor Howard Dean was disqualified for shouting too much at a campaign rally. By those standards, Donald Trump would not be president. He would not even have survived the primaries.

But, obviously, times have changed. It seems like tens of millions of bitter white people voted with their middle finger; and Donald Trump was the right celebrity at the right time. He converged with these (at least) five trends.

First: The Postwar Boom Runs Its Natural Course

Trump’s “make America great again” tapped into a deep well of discontent rooted in natural, unavoidable economics.

Roughly 40 million white American men grew up in the 50’s and 60’s when our manufacturing base produced two thirds of the world’s goods with less than 10% of the world’s population. In 1970 one of every four jobs in the country was in manufacturing. Factory workers bought houses and new cars, and sent their kids to college.

However, this boom-time economic dominance was a temporary distortion of normal economic competition. Our manufacturing base was bolstered by war production and completely intact. Europe and Asia were in ruins. So the way economics works, what followed over the next few decades was like water finding its level. Europe rebuilt. Japan rebuilt. World consumers had more choices. Our dominance naturally declined because of basic economics, not politics or policy.

Natural process, yes; and unavoidable; but it felt like decline. And it was famed and presented as decline. Google the phrase “decline of American manufacturing” and you get about four million hits.

Some other trends piled on. Some people in Serbia, Ukraine, Sri Lanka, Costa Rica and Vietnam can write computer code as well as some people in the U.S. There is a worldwide cottage industry of freelance SEO experts, copy editors, and personal assistants. People in India are happy to answer tech support and airline customer service calls for a lot less than most Americans would. Decline or not, natural or not, some jobs went away.


Then there’s also the impact of natural job evolution. In the past three decades, the number of jobs for knowledge workers has never been rising as quickly as it is right now. We had the personal computer boom, then the Internet boom, and then the mobile smart phone boom, social media, and lean energy. Better new jobs replace traditional jobs, but not for the same people. They go to new people somewhere else. Those same assembly-line white males who used to punch a time clock felt it most.

By Hine, Lewis Wickes —, Public Domain,

Second: To the Privileged, Equality Feels Like Persecution*

The post-war economic boom, however, was for not for all America; it was for straight white male America only. White women got to ride along in the bus, but mainly only as wives, secretaries, nurses, or teachers. And minorities had to sit in the back. Or outside looking in.

That inequality had to change. I can’t prove it, but I know it’s true. And if you don’t agree with me on that, stop reading this post and go away. Maybe it’s because of a fairness gene that struggles with the selfishness gene and the fear-of-otherness gene. Or maybe it was the power of decades of protest, civil rights movements, women’s lib movements, gay rights and trans movements. Maybe because of political leaders, thought leaders, media, movies, and television. Right and wrong evolves. Change happens. Equality dragged white male America, kicking and screaming or not, towards sharing.

Meanwhile the U.S. population has changed too. When the older whites look around, it looks like too many immigrants have jobs while they don’t. And they don’t see that the others might have been more qualified, willing to work harder, or in jobs nobody else wants. To the privileged, equality feels like persecution.


Nobody out of work wants to blame themselves; or economic change, or their lack of education, training and trainability. But they do want to blame somebody. So tens of millions blame the slow, halting, progress of the last few decades away from privilege and towards equality (not enough, of course; but at least some progress has been made). Which means they blame Blacks, Mexicans, women, Muslims, immigrants, gays, and so on.

Sarah Cooper found this quote in an Amazon review, and posted it in Suck it Up here on Medium:

There are scholarships for women, for blacks, for Hispanics, for everyone — EXCEPT white males. Even the professors hate white males. America will pay for this hatred. When we get a hold of power (political, business, financial, etc.) we will remember the way we were treated.

And there it is. An American white male writing “when we get a hold of power” with a straight face, as if from the outside looking in.

By Adam Jones, Ph.D. (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Third: Celebrity Replaces Substance

Paris Hilton. Kim Kardashian. Pop stars, sports stars. For decades now we slowly but steadily replaced substance with celebrity. Respect is a matter of mentions more than accomplishments. Google Justin Bieber and you get 55 million hits. Google John Kasich and you get 650 thousand.

This isn’t new. California elected movie song-and-dance star George Murphy to the senate in 1965 and movie star Ronald Reagan as governor in 1966.

But it is getting steadily stronger and more obvious. Celebrity is power. Celebrity becomes attention, and attention is the ultimate goal. Face recognition is power. Television appearances generate power. Voter and viewers care way more about celebrity gossip than politics.

The FCC equal time rule used to matter. Networks couldn’t put one candidate on the air without giving equal time to the other. But then news reports are an exception, celebrity is news, so equal time meant nothing when a celebrity reality TV star ran for president against a career politician.

Fourth: Meritocracy, Excellent, and Elitism

We are no longer a country that educates its people. Sure, education still correlates roughly with employment. But we are not like we were for about a generation, after the Russians beat us to space with Sputnik in 1957. But then we got into tax revolt, and mistaking the lowest common denominator for equality in education. We objected to discipline in schools, kids flunking grades, and accelerated classes. We show up with the also-rans in global surveys of education and academic achievement. In 2015 academic surveys, the U.S. ranks 38th in math, 24th in science, and 23rd in reading.

Excellence got confused with elitism, and elite became a bad word. When I was a kid, the honor roll was prestigious. Getting into an Ivy League school made somebody smart, not an effete Eastern liberal. Intellectuals like William F. Buckley were listened to and admired, even by liberals. Now the good students are nerds, and conservatives listen to Rush Limbaugh and Alex Jones. And we admire super heroes and celebrities.

Millions of voters apparently want to look down, or sideways, but not up to their politicians. They want somebody “like us.” Analysts agreed that Bush beat Gore over who to have a beer with, not who was smarter. Urban, ivy-league-educated politicians speak in fake drawls and talk about “folks.” We don’t want somebody smarter than we are.

Flickr cc Lorianne Sabato

Fifth: Truth by Quantity Instead of Quality

Back in the 1960s public opinion fought over facts. We all watched the network news on the three main networks, and we read the local newspaper, and we chose Time or Newsweek. Facts like the real death toll and real lack of progress turned public opinion over the Vietnam War. Video images of beatings and brutality changed public opinion over the Civil Rights movement.

In the background, the main news media had to stay in the center to keep their audience. There was no money in fringes. So we had Huntley and Brinkley, Walter Cronkite, and Dan Rather looking for facts, jumping from right to left or Republican to Democrat as the facts came up. Truth, as evaluated by evidence, was good business. It got the largest audiences.

Then Roger Ailes and Fox News made money by appealing to a tribe. It was us vs. them. The common enemy. The spin. Fox News watchers grew steadily more loyal and less connected to the rest of the country. And the network prospered. Forget the whole public, appeal to an interest group. Bring in the Republican Party. Bring in right-wing Christian Evangelism. Dive truth into us vs. them. Replace truth with much-repeated lies. And it works commercially.

Republicans caught on. Democrats didn’t. Republicans organized around talking points that they all repeated, with straight face. They were organized, efficient, and powerful. Democrats remained diverse and confused. So the talking points won. And republicans won.

Social media reinforced truth by quantity rather than quality. Who needs editors? Who needs evidence? Find truth in Facebook likes and retweets, true or not. Facebook and search engine algorithms determine who sees what. They sort and select and end up reinforcing the confusion between truth and organized, coordinated, repeated lies. Which creates a populace particularly vulnerable to bots, hackers, and bubbles.

Thanks to Geralt on Pixabay for this image

All of Which Brings us To Donald Trump as President

So there it is. Donald Trump as president. I thought this couldn’t have happened, until it did. And it shouldn’t have happened, but it did. So I try to understand. And identifying the underlying trends helps.

* That quote “to the privileged, equality feels like persecution” is not my own. I picked it up in a comment on Medium by Dan Ray, on Sarah Cooper’s post Suck it Up.

50s: Table of Contents

50s: Authentic Post-war Boom Times
Boom times. We’d won the war and destroyed the industrial base of our main would-be competitors. There were jobs everywhere. Good jobs in manufacturing, on …
50s: Howdy Doody, B/W etc.
I was three years old. I sat in a basement family room straining to see a small black and white television set. The big kids, …
50s: Nomads
We moved around in the early fifties. I was born in Milford MA where my Dad’s family had lived for generations. He was a doctor …
1954: Six-Year-Olds Biking to School
Me getting to school, as a child in the 50s, was radically different from what we see in 2021. When I started first grade, at …
50s: Suburbia
There were a lot of other kids in that neighborhood. On weekends and during the summer, we’d leave home after breakfast and play with five …
50s: TV takes over
Throughout the fifties, as I grew up, television was mostly a family activity. Sure, we had endless cartoons on Saturday mornings if we wanted them, …
50s on 50 cents per week
As a kid, I got 50 cents allowance every week. I had to choose between buying a Matchbox brand car or truck (about an inch …
50s: Oddly Rural
In 1956, when I was eight, we moved from the flats up into the hills. To Eastbrook Ave. We moved from classic fifties suburb to …
50s: Mom Held Court in the Kitchen
On most afternoons, middle to late fifties through middle sixties when I left home for college, Mom held court in her kitchen. She’d talk with …
50s: Dad Taught by Example; Mom by Talk
We were a typical family of the fifties. Dad was the breadwinner and Mom kept house. We had a family meal at six o’clock every …
50s: Gender in the Fifties
We were taught to respect women. Even back in those gender-restrained days, as we grew up, Dad was never disrespectful to women. Not when he …
50s: We Learned Duck and Cover
Monday, Oct. 7, 1957. Sputnik. The Russians put a man into space before we did.  Less than a year after Russian head of state Nikita Khrushchev’s …
50s: Ojai Grandparents
I took my first plane trip in 1958. It was a small propeller plane from San Francisco to Santa Barbara. A commercial airplane, but tiny. …
50s: Smoking was Common
Sometime in the 50s Mom gave up smoking. Chip and I hated her smoking and I think she gave it up while pregnant with our …
50s: Dodge Ridge, Badger Pass, Tahoe
Skiing was a four-to-five-hour drive from Los Altos. We’d leave before dawn, drive, ski, stay in a hotel, ski Sunday, and then drive back. We …
50s: Southern California Beaches
For several years in a row, Chip and I flew to Santa Barbara for a week in Ojai with Grandad and Granma. Then the rest …
50s: Living by the TV
The television grew steadily more important. By the late fifties we had a bigger black and white set in the family room. We gathered — …
50s: Stanford Games etc.
Dad took the two of us and later on the three of us to watch football live at Stanford Stadium, nine miles away from the …
50s: The “Broken Home”
I had a friend who came from “a broken home.” Billy’s parents had divorced, and he lived with his single mother, close to Loyola School, …
50s: K-12 Social
For my first and second grade I rode my bike about a mile through suburban streets to get to St. Nicholas Catholic School. My brother …

60s Table of Contents

1960: Kennedy-Nixon
Sept. 26, 1960. We watched the first televised presidential debate, Kennedy vs. Nixon, together. Mom and Dad and Chip and me. We wanted Kennedy …
60s: Peace and Freedom. Rebellion
What seems so important, and so different, about the sixties was the overwhelming sense that we were part of an unprecedented worldwide movement that …
1961: JFK Inauguration
January 20, 1961. Three days after I’d turned 13. We watched JFK’s inauguration speech on a black and white television that Miss Alexander brought …
1962: Bay of Pigs et al
Just a few months later, April of 1961, a US-sponsored invasion of Cuba failed. A force of Cuban exiles landed in Cuba at the …
60s: Cars and cool
Mom cried the day dad brought home a used 1960 dark red Oldsmobile Super 88 convertible. “Frank, you bought a red convertible,” she cried, …
1962: Big California Snowfall
Jan. 21, 1962. We spent two freezing hours trapped alongside an icy snow-covered highway down Merced River while Dad struggled, under the car, going …
60s: The Trees and the View
Mom also cried bitterly, off and on for days, when a new neighbor planted trees across the street. Mom knew they would eventually block …
1962: The Last Run. Snap crackle pop.
I mentioned wooden skis and cable bindings in this story from the fifties. In 1962 those wooden skis and cable bindings failed me as …
1963: Rainbow Lake. The High Sierras
I was 15 at Rainbow Lake. Ten days in the high Sierra living in a tent by the side of an alpine lake nestled …
1964: Beatles, Sierra, Free Speech
1964. The year of the Beatles, Mario Savio and the Berkeley Free Speech. The year I also began protesting the Vietnam War, racial segregation, …
1965: Worst Job Ever
Worst job ever: selling encyclopedias door to door. Or, in my case, not selling encyclopedias, door to door. You may not be aware of …
1966: High School to Haight Ashbury
The summer of 1966 changed my life completely. Magic for me, black magic to my parents. Finishing high school, followed by a magical summer, …
1966: The Haight to Notre Dame
Through August of 1966 I evolved from Catholic High School kid to the Trinity Alps to Haight Ashbury hippie. In September I devolved into …
1967-68 Innsbruck
In early July, 1967, I sat at breakfast in the dining car of the Orient Express train from Paris to Salzburg, Austria. The train …
Protected: 1969: Crazy Love
She just stuck in my mind. I couldn’t date her, yet; but I couldn’t let go either. It wasn’t just that she was gorgeous …

70s: Table of Contents

1970: A Quick Change in Direction
I didn’t just fall in love with journalism. I also fell out of love with literature. Well, the graduate level study of literature. We’d …
Protected: 1970: Crazy Married
January 24, 1970. It was crazy, obviously. I was one week past my 22nd birthday. I was still an undergrad at Notre Dame. We …
1971: Getting a Job in Journalism
June of 1971. We lived in the old Amazon married student housing that has long since been plowed over. It was a collection of …
1972: Get the Story or Don’t Come Back
June, 1972. I had turned 24. Vange was due with Laura, our first, in a month. I’d been Night Editor, Mexico City, fox six …
1973-74: Around the World in 31 Days
“Tim, can you get six weeks off, beginning next month? I want to send you around the world, as a tour guide for my …
1973: Allende in the Hotel Garden
April of 1973. It was two or so in the morning. Pleasantly warm. I walked the paths that crisscrossed the interior gardens of the …
1973: Headlines: Naked, Vicious, Brutal, and So Forth.
I was 26 years old. Married, already a father, but still, so young, and so full of illusions. I still thought – although I …
1974: I Sold Out
Back in the late sixties, when I was a hippie and hippies were everywhere, there was this thing called “selling out.” The whole hippie …
1974: Jews? Yes, Tomato.
(Reposted from Although it was tame compared to recent years, Israel was very tense in 1974. It was just a few months after …
1977: Me in Cuba with Fidel
Castro, in person, was amazing. I loved the guy. I should remind you that my Spanish was fluent by 1977, when this happened. It …
1979: Forecasting a New Market
(Reposted from In the summer of 1979, after we had moved from Mexico to Escondido Village on campus at Stanford, while waiting to …
1979: Hong Kong or Stanford
Hong Kong was magical. March of 1979. Exotic. Huge hotels along the waterfront. Me running along the bay, on the Kowloon side, in dark …

80s: Table of Contents

1981: My Stupid MBA Mistake
It was August of 1981, early morning, in the office of John Lutz, managing partner of McKinsey Management Consulting in Mexico City. I was …
1981: My Worst Business Plan Engagement
It's not for nothing that I always say a business plan has to be your plan and nobody else's. It can't be your consultant's …
1982: Metrics, Swag, and 3 Types of Lies
(Reposted from This is a true story. Back in my market research days, 20-some years ago now, I watched one of my friends …
1983: First Day of a New Business
(This is reposted here from my blog at This is a true story. I think it's worth telling because it's one real example, …
1983: I Don’t Create Competition
In 1983: The First Day of a New Business I told the story of leaving Creative Strategies and going out on my own to write …
1983: Oh No! They’re Developing Their Own Compiler
Late summer, 1983. I asked Philippe how his software project was going. “They are writing a new compiler,” he answered. “They’ve decided there is …
1983: Why Did I Start My Business
I was speaking to a group of students in 2007 when one of them asked me to comment on what makes an entrepreneur. The …
1987: Business by Handshake
(Reposted from As a four-year mutually beneficial relationship ended, turning our cooperation into competition, Emmett Ramey offered this as a final thought: So …
1987: The Heat, the Kitchen, and Credit Cards
(This is reposted from my blog at I was furious. This guy had stolen from us, blatantly, by ordering a software product, returning …
1988-89 Macworld & The Fishbowl Story
The first time I took our company to exhibit in a trade show we brought along a big plastic fish bowl with a sign …
1988: Focus on What Was Right
(Reposted from Years ago we were coaching a soccer team of six-year-old girls. That was me and two of my teenage kids. Another …

90s: Table of Contents

1993-94: PAS on the Brink of Doom
It was a dark February night in 1994 when I boarded a late plane from New Orleans headed home, dealing with impending doom. It’s …
1994-95: I Saved It!
In February of 1994 Palo Alto Software was on the brink of failure. By February of 1995 it had a successful new software product …
1992: Moving to Eugene
People ask why Palo Alto Software is based in Eugene, Oregon. I think business stories are a good way to communicate different elements of …

50s: Authentic Post-war Boom Times

Boom times. We’d won the war and destroyed the industrial base of our main would-be competitors. There were jobs everywhere. Good jobs in manufacturing, on assembly lines, were readily available. Eisenhower, a war hero, was president from 1952 through 1960. Tax rates were historically high, upwards of 70%, but not a big political issue because they were progressive so only the truly wealthy paid the high rates. Families moved to the suburbs. Husbands worked and wives kept house. Kids were born. Suburbs exploded.

I turned two in 1950, twelve in 1960.