
Forties, fifties, sixties, seventies, eighties, nineties, aughts, teens, twenties

I was thereAnd I tell you about it.

The postwar boom, Sputnik, the space race. 

The youth uprising in the 60s. Kennedy assassinated. The Beatles. Johnson vs. Goldwater. The Haight Ashbury, the summer of love, the free speech movement, the student uprising against the Vietnam War. 

Mexico in the 70s. Married with kids in Mexico City. UPI, Business Week. Nixon resigns. I interviewed Henry Kissinger, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan. I covered earthquakes and hurricanes and kidnappings, oh my. Six weeks in Cuba in 1977. OPEC and long lines at gas stations. 

Business in the 80s. Stanford biz school. Silicon Valley in the 80s, Apple Computer, personal computer revolution. 

Startups. Oregon in the 90s, the Internet, the web, the big boom. The dot-com crash in the aughts, the great recession. Obama elected. Trump elected. The pandemic and great crash of 2020. 

I was present and actively involved at three watershed times, the big waves, that changed the world: the 60s world youth uprising, the personal computer boom in the 80s, and the Internet or dot-com boom in the 90s. And I watched like we all watched the big moments, from Sputnick in 1957 to the rise of Trump as cult figure through 2024.

Here are some quick links to get you started. And some placeholders for future stories.

Fifties: The postwar boom, Sputnik, the space race. 

Sixties: Kennedy assassinated. The Beatles. Johnson vs. Goldwater. The Haight Ashbury, the summer of love, the free speech movement, the student uprising against the Vietnam War. 

Seventies: Mexico in the 70s. Married with kids in Mexico City. UPI, Business Week. Nixon resigns. I interviewed Henry Kissinger, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan. I covered earthquakes and hurricanes and kidnappings, oh my. Six weeks in Cuba in 1977. OPEC and long lines at gas stations. 

Eighties: (work in progress) Stanford biz school. Silicon Valley in the 80s, Apple Computer, personal computer revolution. 

Nineties: (work in progress). Palo Alto Software. Startups. Oregon in the 90s, the Internet, the web, the big boom.

Aughts: (work in progress) The dot-com crash, the 2001 recession. Growing Palo Alto Software. Incorporating the new generation. Grandkids. Obama elected. 9/11/2001.

Teens: (work in progress). Obama re-elected. Trump elected. Megan’s wedding.

Twenties: The pandemic and great crash of 2020.